Four Key Issues, One Unified Vision
Ray’s campaign stands firm in its commitment to restoring parental advocacy, creating safer communities, championing affordability, and safeguarding local decision-making in Branford against overreach from Hartford.

In Connecticut, affordability is more than just a concern—it’s a pressing issue affecting families and communities statewide. From exorbitant utility bills to steep healthcare costs, the burden on households continues to escalate. With a focus on innovative solutions and prudent fiscal management, Ray aims to ease the financial strain on Connecticut residents. By advocating for policies that promote job growth, protect taxpayers, and create more accessible healthcare, he seeks to ensure that families can thrive and businesses can prosper in our state. Ray is committed to making Connecticut a place where affordability is not just a dream, but a reality for all.

Community Safety
Ensuring the safety and security of our communities is paramount. Recent trends, such as the alarming rise in car thefts and repeated juvenile crimes, underscore the critical need for effective law enforcement strategies. However, the 2020 police accountability bill, which stripped police of qualified immunity, has had unintended consequences, contributing to a surge in crime. Ray recognizes the importance of supporting our local law enforcement agencies and providing them with the resources and tools necessary to keep our neighborhoods safe. He pledges to work towards restoring balance and accountability within the criminal justice system while also advocating for policies that empower law enforcement to effectively combat crime. Ray is committed to building safer communities where families can thrive.

Parental Advocacy
Parental advocacy lies at the heart of Ray’s campaign platform, recognizing the fundamental role parents play in shaping their children’s futures. In recent years, there has been a concerning erosion of parental control, with policies and mandates from Hartford infringing upon families’ ability to make crucial decisions. Ray is committed to restoring and safeguarding parental autonomy, ensuring that parents have the freedom to make choices that best suit their children’s needs. Whether it’s education, healthcare, or other critical aspects of upbringing, Ray believes that parents should have the primary say in determining what is in the best interest of their families. By championing parental advocacy and pushing back against government overreach, Ray Ingraham aims to empower families as they shape the next generation of our communities.

Local Control
In recent years, there has been a trend towards centralizing decision-making power in Hartford, threatening to undermine the authority of local governments in matters of land use and development. Ray understands the value of local input and believes that decisions about zoning and planning should be made by those who know their communities best: the residents and local officials. By advocating for policies that protect and strengthen local control over zoning, Ray aims to ensure that the voices of Branford and its neighborhoods are heard and respected. He is committed to empowering local governments to make decisions that reflect the priorities and values of their constituents, thereby fostering vibrant and sustainable communities for generations to come.